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EU Urban Mobility Observatory

#BikesForUkraine Campaign

  • Walking and cycling
  • Ukraine

First published on 24 April 2023. 

Bikes for Ukraine invites the whole world to support Ukraine and join the international campaign #BikesForUkraine.

In this video hear from Henrik Hololei, Ambassador of #BikesForUkraine, European Commission; Denys Moliaka and Natalia Kniazeva, coordinators of #BikesForUkraine, U-Cycle; and Mila Yurchenko, beneficiary of #BikesForUkraine, Let's do it, Ukraine!, on the success of the campaign so far and how these bikes are helping the people of Ukraine.

Purpose of the campaign

They are working to increase the mobility of Ukrainian volunteers and make humanitarian aid more accessible to those who need it most.

A bicycle has become the main transportation mode for Ukrainian cities that have suffered from the Russian military aggression: Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy and others. These cities struggle with interrupted or fully non-operational public transportation and lack of fuel. Thus, the bicycle remains the only mobility option for the delivery of humanitarian aid and the movement of personnel of critically important services. You can help Ukrainian people to become mobile - during the war it means to save lives.

Who are they asking for support?

Cycling community organisations, international and European institutions, municipalities of the cities.

How can you help?
  • Independently purchase bicycles abroad or in Ukraine and transfer them to U-Cycle
  • Collect and repair used bicycles in your city and organise its transfer to Ukraine
  • If you are a cycling business – donate your bicycles
  • Fund the purchase of bicycles in Ukraine on U-Cycle bank details or PayPal

For more information on how to help see here.

Please support the campaign with your own initiatives today!