SUMP Guidelines and Decision Makers Summary - European Commission
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SUMP Guidelines and Decision Makers Summary

SUMP Guidelines

The second edition of the Guidelines for developing and implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is available to download as a PDF document.

The guidelines are intended for local authorities, urban transport, and mobility practitioners, as well as other stakeholders involved in the preparation of a SUMP. Each step of the plan development process is illustrated with good practice examples, tools and references to further information.

SUMP Summary for decision-makers

The Decision Makers Summary is an interactive summary to make the Guidelines for developing and implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (2nd edition) more accessible and easy to use. Developed for use by decision-makers, the document is comprised of only 10 pages to create a succinct and convincing user-guide

The general idea of SUMP is explained, the principles underlying the planning process are described and a brief introduction of the four SUMP phases is given. Decision-makers are given an overview of the benefits of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning, as well as guidance on how to start the SUMP process. The summary can also be used as an introduction to the urban mobility planning process.