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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 25 May 2018
  • 1 min read

Ukraine bans parking on pavements and along roads

The Ukraine is taking a step to improve pedestrian safety in the light of conflicts arising from car parking. During a recent update to the state building code (GOS) by the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services. The new code no longer permits the provision of parking lots for temporary storage on pavements and along the side of roads. It refers to the section “Streets and roads on settlements” which is entirely dedicated to setting requirements for the layout and construction of streets and roads in urban and rural settlements. The Minister responsible for the new requirements, Mr Lev Partskhaladze, said that, "Today, chaotic parking of cars significantly impedes traffic, creates additional congestion and most important of all, creates danger and inconvenience for pedestrians. Therefore, the rule prohibiting the placement of parking lots for temporary storage, in particular on the sidewalks, was one of the changes when you update the GOS regarding streets and roads. This will contribute to improving safety in pedestrian areas and to minimize possible accidents involving pedestrians.”

The code prevents temporary parking lots on sidewalks, along highway carriageways of citywide importance for continuous movement, along roads of city value and along highways of regional value with a utilization ration close to 1 or the allocation of a separate public transport lane.

The updated state building code will apply to new and reconstruction works and is expected to be published soon.

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Publication date
25 May 2018
  • Mobility management
  • Policy and research
  • Urban mobility planning
  • Walking and cycling
  • Ukraine