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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 22 December 2020
  • London
  • 1 min read

Transport for London reports more sustainable travelling but less cycling in 2019

Towards the end of 2020, Transport for London (TfL) published its latest annual report, which included figures relating to transport for 2019, including developments in modal choices. That year, the London area saw a small increase in the overall volume of transport of 0.7%, while the UK Department for Transport states that road traffic saw a decrease in vehicle kilometres of 0.5%.

The modal share of sustainable transport, meaning public transport, cycling and walking, is holding at almost two-thirds of all trips (63.2%) and even increased slightly (by 0.2%), although the modal share of cycling declined by 2.7%. TfL explains the decrease in cycling trips as a result of challenges in Outer London, as well as worse than average weather conditions over the measurement period.

Walking trips increased in 2019 with the result that the active travel share of transport trips was 42%, marking a step to the target that all Londoners should at least walk or cycle for 20 minutes per day by 2041.

London’s road safety conditions also improved, with the continued decline of people being killed or seriously injured compared to the reference period of 2005-2009. Considerably fewer cyclists were killed (down from 17 to 5) and fewer buses were involved in traffic accidents (with 238 in 2018 compared to 209 in 2019). Particularly positive is the 65% decline in the number of children killed on London’s roads.

Air quality also improved over wide areas, which the report attributes to policies such as the Ultra Low Emission Zone in Central London and low emission bus zones.

You can find the Travel in London Report by clicking here.

Article published first at on 7 December 2020.



Publication date
22 December 2020
  • Policy and research
  • United Kingdom