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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 11 October 2021
  • 2 min read

SUMP headquarters - the SUMP Platform Coordinating Group

The Coordinating Group of the European Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) is a unique body, which deserves special attention after many years in operation. As a dedicated arena for EU-financed projects working with SUMPs, it has played a considerable role in boosting the uptake of quality SUMPs, which provide an effective multi-sectoral framework for towns and cities to tackle common urban mobility challenges.

Having such a dedicated Coordinating Group for a focused area (SUMPs) has proven its worth over the years - while remaining an active, inspiring and effective platform for the exchange of best practice on SUMPs, it has served as a sounding board and an ad hoc support group for the revision of the European SUMP Guidelines. Its members developed and revised these Guidelines, and more recently it has provided expert input to help shape and disseminate the broad array of specialised SUMP Topic Guides and Practitioner Briefings accompanying the SUMP Guidelines. SUMP project representatives regularly contribute to the policy debate, providing input and recommendations on relevant EU policy topics, such as funding conditionality linked to SUMPs.

The Coordinating Group brings together representatives of around 20 SUMP-related projects and Commission services. Current members include: Eltis, EIT Urban Mobility, CIVITAS ELEVATE, MobiliseYourCity, SUMP Award, Park4SUMP, SUMP-PLUS, eSMARTEC, Urban Transports and Dynaxibility4CE. Past members included InnovaSUMP, CityMobilNet, SIMPLA, CIVITAS PROSPERITY, GO SUMP, CIVITAS SUMPs-Up, LOW-CARB, CIVITAS SATELLITE, REFORM, CIVITAS SUITS, and many more.

While individual member projects have a limited lifespan, their legacy and key deliverables remain within the Mobility Plans section of Eltis on behalf of the SUMP Platform Coordinating Group. Such an inspiring and inclusive ‘round-table’ approach to EU-funded projects working in the same area can certainly serve as a good practice example for other fields of activity.

The objectives of the SUMP Platform Coordinating Group include exchanging best practice on SUMPs, creating synergies between SUMP projects, and identifying and addressing key topics, such as data collection, financing for SUMPs and the impact of COVID-19.

Members of the Coordinating Group exchange on SUMP developments and events, and agree on a common approach to the further development of SUMP guidance and tools. In addition, the Group promotes the EU’s SUMP concept to a wider audience within and beyond Europe, via the projects themselves and by inviting selected organisations to join its meetings twice a year. The Coordinating Group also cooperates with other projects and platforms, such as the CIVITAS ELEVATE Policy Support Groups, the CIVITAS National Networks (CIVINETs) and the European Commission’s Expert Group on Urban Mobility.

As part of Eltis, the SUMP Platform Coordinating Group has been chaired by TRT (Trasporti e Territorio) for the last four years, which has supported best practice exchange and encouraged, together with all members, the widespread uptake of SUMPs in Europe and beyond.

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Publication date
11 October 2021
  • Urban mobility planning
  • Europe-wide