Urban Mobility Days was jointly organised on 20-22 September 2022 by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Mobility & Transport (DG MOVE), and the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU. The conference was a great success, both on-site in Brno as remotely, drawing roughly 1000 delegates from across Europe, traversing the length and breadth of sustainable urban mobility, examining the challenges and solutions at hand.
From active travel to TEN-T Urban Nodes, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans to Climate Neutral Cities, our plenaries and panel sessions heard from leading voices and experts in urban mobility, examining how our cities can - and must - rise to the transport challenges we face.
As 2022 is the European Year of Youth, we were delighted to be able to spotlight the voices of Europe’s young people on the path towards climate resilience.
We really hope you enjoyed the event and found it valuable and of course interesting! Below we are glad to share recordings and material from the conference with you. Please also see the photos of the event here.
The opening speech of European Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean
Mobility powered by Youth
Slides of Mobility Powered by Youth
Keynotes from:
- Herald Ruijters, Director Investment, Innovative and Sustainable Transport, DG MOVE
- Dr. Marcel Rommerts, Head of Unit Transport Research, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency - CINEA
Followed by speeches from:
- Dr. Nina Nesterova, Team Lead Sustainable and Smart Mobility, Breda University of Applied Sciences
- Prof. Dr. Theocharis Tsoutsos, Director, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Lab, Technical University of Crete
Grand Opening
The Grand Opening features Adina Vălean, European Commissioner for Transport, Václav Bernard, Vice-Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic, Petr Kratochvil, Brno City Councilor for Transport, and Lesya Loyko, European Mobility Week National Coordinator for Ukraine.
Master of Ceremony, Karen Vancluysen, Secretary General, POLIS Network
Slides of Lesya Loyko (Bikes for Ukraine)
Plenary Session 1: 'Active modes and public transport first'
The core of EU urban mobility and the way forward to reduce oil dependency
Moderated by Walter Goetz, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Vălean
- Heather Allen, Board Member of Walk21
- Mohamed Mezghani, Secretary General of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
- Dmitri Pivovarov, Vice-President for Rentals, Bolt
- Jens Müller, Policy & Research Lead of the Clean Cities Campaign
- Cristina Tilling, Head of Land Transport, European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF)
- Jill Warren, CEO of European Cyclists' Federation (ECF)
10 Pitches (Session 1)
Slides of the 10 Pitches (Session 1)
- Ioanna Fergadiotou, URBANE (Upscaling Innovative Green Urban Logistics Solutions Through Multi-Actor Collaboration And Pi-Inspired Last Mile Deliveries)
- Sophie Vanhove, European Road Safety Charter
- Vesna Boskovic, Harmony (Holistic Approach for Providing Spatial & Transport Planning Tools and Evidence to Metropolitan and Regional Authorities to Lead a Sustainable Transition to a New Mobility Era)
- Tally Hatzakis, TRIPS (TRansport Innovation for Persons with disabilities needs Satisfaction)
- Laurens VanderKuylen, WeCount (finished) & COMPAIR (ongoing)
- Anna Westervelt, SUMP-PLUS (Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning: Pathways and Links to Urban Systems)
- Arka Ghosh, TANGENT (Enhanced Data Processing Techniques for Dynamic Management of Multimodal Traffic)
- Tiina Ruohonen, MOVE-21 (Multimodal and Interconnected Hubs for Freight and Passenger Transport Contributing to a Zero Emission 21st Century)
- Michiel Penne, SCALE-UP (Scale up user-Centric and dAta driven soLutions for connEcted Urban Poles)
- Thomas Lymes, SCALE-UP and MOVE 21
Plenary Session 2: 'TEN-T Urban Nodes'
A reinforced approach to TEN-T Urban Nodes
Moderated by Herald Ruijters, Director in the European Commission's Directorate-General for Transport and Mobility
- Michael Glotz-Richter, Senior Project Manager for Sustainable Mobility, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
- Françoise Guaspare, Senior Policy Advisor, Île-de-France Europe
- Koen Kennis, Deputy Mayor of Antwerp and CIVITAS Policy Advisory Committee Chair
- Iva Rorečková, Head of Transport Development Policy and Strategy Division, Brno Municipality
Plenary Session 3: 'Funding and financing'
Funding and financing climate-neutral and energy-efficient urban mobility
Slides of Plenary Session 3
Moderated by Françoise Guaspare, Senior Policy Advisor, Île-de-France Europe, POLIS/ERRIN Representative
- Dirk Beckers, Director, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
- Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, Chair of the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission Board
- Herald Ruijters, Director of Investment, Innovative & Sustainable Transport, EC – DG MOVE
- Werner Schmidt, Director for Urban and Territorial Development, European Investment Bank (EIB)
- Laurent Zylberberg, Director of European Association of Long-Term Investors (ELTI)
1A - Session on SUMP
Recommendation on National SUMP Support Programmes (NSSPs) and updated SUMP concept
Moderator Torsten Klimke Head of Innovation & Research Unit, EC – DG MOVE
- Maximilian Jäger, Expert on Mobility Innovation, AustriaTech > Slides of Maximilian Jäger
- Paul Riley, Advisor, JASPERS, European Investment Bank Group > Slides of Paul Riley
1B - Session on climate-neutral cities
Towards climate-neutral cities: resilient, environmentally friendly and energy-efficient urban transport
Moderated by Luana Bidasca, EU Affairs Manager, EIT Urban Mobility
- Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, Chair of the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission Board
- Peter Staelens, Senior Project Coordinator, Eurocities
- Céline Tignol, Director of Real Estate, Groupe (RATP) > Slides of Céline Tignol (RATP)
- Traian Urban, Director of Innovation Hub East, EIT Urban Mobility
- Elisabet Vila Jorda, Senior Transport Engineer, JASPERS, European Investment Bank Group > Slides of Elisabeth Vila Jorda
2A - Session on SUMI (Indicators)
Monitoring Progress: Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators (SUMI)
Moderated by Robert Szucs, Policy Officer, Innovation & Research Unit – Urban Mobility Team, EC – DG MOVE > Slides of Robert Szucs
- Stella Aaltonen, Project Manager, City of Turku > Slides of Stella Aaltonen
- Marcel Braun, Senior Consultant, Rupprecht Consult > Slides of Marcel Braun
- Diana Kimmer, Senior Mobility Planning Officer, BKK Budapest > Slides of Diana Kimmer
- Michiel Penne, Coordinator of Smart Ways to Antwerp, City of Antwerp > Slides of Michiel Penne
2B - Session on RePowerEU
RePowerEU: the power of behavioural change
Moderated by Juan Caballero, Campaign Manager, European Mobility Week > Slides of the European Mobility Week
- Linda Gaasch, Committee of the Regions rapporteur, Urban Mobility Framework
- Lesya Loyko, European Mobility Week National Coordinator for Ukraine > Slides of Bikes for Ukraine
- Viktoriia Prokopenko, Urban Planning Expert, “U-Cycle”, Ukraine
- Melanie Schade, Vice-President, European Platform on Mobility Management (EPOMM)
- Piotr Rapacz, Urban Mobility Coordinator, DG MOVE
2C - Session 'Outside the EU'
Shall we discuss sustainable urban mobility: what happens outside the EU?
Moderated by Juergen Kettner, Policy Officer, Innovation & Research Unit – Urban Mobility Team, EC – DG MOVE > Slides of Juergen Kettner
The session furthermore served as preliminary discussion and exchange platform in the run-up to COP 27.
- Nicolas Cruz, Sustainable Mobility Expert, MobiliseYourCity Partnership Global Secretariat > Slides of Nicolas Cruz
- Lorenza Tomasoni, Urban Transport Key-Expert, EuroMed Transport Support Project > Slides of Lorenza Tomasoni
- Marcel Rommerts, Head of Unit, CINEA C3 > Slides of Marcel Rommerts
- Siegfried Rupprecht, Executive Director, Rupprecht Consult, Forschung & Beratung GmbH > Slides of Siegfried Rupprecht
3A - Session on CIVITAS
Towards CIVITAS 2030
Slides of the Session on CIVITAS 2030
Moderated by Fred Dotter, Director European Projects and Policies, Mobiel 21, Project Coordinator, CIVITAS ELEVATE.
Keynote speakers include:
- Grigoris Konstantellos, Mayor of Municipality of Vari Voula Vouliagmeni and Vice-Chair of CIVITAS Policy Advisory Committee
- Dr. Octavia Stepan, Head of Sector Integrated Transport and Urban Mobility, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)
World Cafe speakers include:
- Ana Aleixo, Project Manager, INOVA+
- Stefano Borgato, Transport Planner & Policy Analyst, Trasporti e Territorio (TRT)
- Yannick Bousse, Project officer, Europe Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)
- Jan Christiaens, Managing Director, Mobiel 21
- Ana Costa, Project Manager, INOVA+
- Elke Franchois, Project Officer Citizen Science, Mobiel 21
- Vanessa Holve, Policy and Project Advisor, Trasporti e Territorio (TRT)
- Nina Nesterova, Team Lead Smart and Sustainable mobility, Breda University of Applied Sciences
- Ekaterina Uzunova, Researcher Mobility and Built Environment, Breda University of Applied Sciences
3B - Session on UVARs (access regulations)
Urban Vehicle Access Regulations (UVARs) and parking management
Moderated by Ivo Cré Projects Director, POLIS Network
- Lucy Sadler, Uvarbox and CIVITAL REVEAL Expert > Slides of Lucy Sadler (ReVeAL)
- Patrick Auwerx, Coordinator Park4SUMP, Mobiel 21> Slides of Patrick Auwerx (Park4SUMP)
- Jayant Sangwan, Senior Manager, CORTE > Slides of Jayant Sangwan (CORTE)
- Raluca Marian, Director of EU Advocacy and General Delegate of IRU's Permanent Delegation to the EU
- Ing. Václav Novotný, Ph.D. , Head of the office, Prague Institute of Planning and Development
3C - Session on safety of active road users
How to ensure the safety of active road users (pedestrians, cyclists, users of personal mobility devices)
Moderated by Claire Depré, Head of Unit, Road Safety, EC - DG MOVE
- Philip Amaral, Policy & Development Director, European Cyclists' Federation
- Pedro Homem de Gouveia, Senior Policy and Project Manager, Governance & Integration + Safety & Security, POLIS
- Jitka Vrtaova, Sustainable Mobility Expert, SABRINA project - SafetyOn2Wheels
- Tomáš Neřold, Head of Road Safety Department, Ministry of Transport, Czech Republic
- Tiina Ruohonen, MOVE21 Project Coordinator, Office of the Governing Mayor in the City of Oslo
- Geert van Waeg, President of the International Federation of Pedestrians
4A - Session on integrated urban planning
Integrating urban planning: lessons learned from SUMP and SECAP harmonisation experiences
Moderated by Isabelle Vandoorne, Deputy Head of Innovation & Research Unit, EC – DG MOVE
- Dalila Ciuclan, International Projects Coordinator, Cluj-Napoca, Romania > Slides of Dalila Ciuclan
- Cristina Pellegrini, EU Project Manager, City of Parma, Italy > Slides of Cristina Pellegrini
- Peter Staelens, Senior Project Coordinator, Eurocities
- Meline Gonzalez, Covenant of Mayors > Slides of Meline Gonzalez
- Václav Novotný, Head of the Office of Transport Infrastructure, Institute of Planning and Development of the City of Prague
4B - Session on zero-emission urban logistics
Zero-emission urban logistics
Moderated by Sergio Fernández Balaguer, Head of International Department, EMT - Municipal Transport Company of Madrid - Coordinator of LEAD Project.
- Alex Van Breedam, CEO of TRI-VIZOR
- Paola Cossu, CEO of FIT Consulting, Vice-Chair of ALICE Urban Logistics Thematic Group
- Laetitia Dablanc, Logistics City Chair at University Gustave Eiffel, France
- Hans Schurmans, Director Logistics Operations and Transformation, Proximus
- Klaus Stodick, Consultant for City Logistics, CSR & Communication at UPS Deutschland
- Tommaso Spanevello, Head of European Affairs, HAROPA Port
4C - Session on smart urban mobility
Smart urban mobility
Moderated by Martin Pichl, Head of Unit for Intelligent Transport Systems, Ministry of Transport, Czech Republic.
- Pauline Aymonier, Head of Public Policy, TIER Mobility > Slides of Pauline Aymonier
- Mihai Chirca, Head of European Affairs, Transdev > Slides of Mihai Chirca
- Edwin Mermans, Senior Advisor for International Affairs, Province of Noord-Brabant > Slides of Edwin Mermans
- Roman Nekula, Road Administration Director, Brněnské komunikace (BKOM), Brno
- Dr. Nina Nesterova, Team Lead Sustainable and Smart Mobility, Breda University of Applied Sciences
Plenary Session 4: Implementing Urban Air Mobility in Cities
Slides of Plenary Session 4
Moderated by Charlotte Nørlund-Matthiessen, Policy Adviser in the Cabinet of Adina Vālean, European Commission
- Vassilis Agouridas, Head of EU Public Co-Creation & Ecosystem Outreach of Airbus
- Franziska Biermann, Ministry of Economic Development at the City-State of Hamburg
- Dejan Crnek, Deputy-Mayor of Ljubljana and PAC Member
- Jiří Karpeta, Partner of Robodrone Industries
- Koen Meuleman, Co-founder and Regulatory Affairs of Unifly
- Isabelle Vandoorne, Deputy Head of Unit Innovation & Research, DG MOVE, European Commission
10 Pitches (Session 2)
Slides of the 10 Pitches (Session 2)
- Michael Glotz-Richter, ULaaDS (Urban Logistics as an on Demand Service)
- Antoine Radal, DECARBOMILE (Five pillars to DECARBOnize the last MILE logistics)
- María del Carmen Tomás, MEISTER (Mobility Environmentally-friendly, Integrated and economically Sustainable Through innovative Electromobility Recharging infrastructure and new business models)
- Konstantinos Gkoumas, TRIMIS (Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System)
- Veronika Stepkova, ENTRANCE (Efficient Risk-Based Inspection Of Freight Crossing Borders)
- Anna Westervelt, FastTrack (Fostering the Acceleration of Sustainable Transport To Regions and Authorities through Capacity and Knowledge)
- María del Carmen Tomás, USER-CHI (Innovative solutions for USER
centric CHarging Infrastructure) - Hannes Delaere, INDIMO (Inclusive Digital Mobility Solutions)
- Giacomo Lozzi, L-3D- a new dimension of participation
- Michael Hatfield, SENATOR (Smart Network Operator Platform enabling Shared, Integrated and more Sustainable Urban Freight Logistics)
Closing Plenary
The future of urban mobility as seen by the younger generation
Slides of the Closing Plenary
- Young rapporteur: Isabel Bezerra da Cunha
- Young rapporteur: Hannes Delaere
- Young rapporteur: Jennifer Hostland
- Young rapporteur: Kateřina Kührová
- Publication date
- 16 October 2022
- Topic
- Policy and research
- Public and stakeholder involvement
- Urban mobility planning
- Country
- Czechia