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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
News article23 February 20181 min read

New web portal on infomobility in Turin

The City of Turin has launched a new mobile information service – also available in English - called "Muoversi a Torino", with the aim of providing useful and updated information for travelling within its metropolitan area. The service was created and is managed by 5T Srl.

The contents of the website are divided by transport mode, so as to allow users to find high-level information and useful links on public road transport services. Updated information on the traffic situation and traffic conditions in Turin is also available, indicating in real-time whether accidents or any other problems are affecting the transport system. Moreover, it is possible to find other relevant information, including whether anti-pollution measures are in place, so citizens can verify whether any type of vehicle is temporarily banned from circulating in the city.

The site also hosts a section that reports a series of indicators useful for measuring Turin’s mobility at the overall level, such as the number of vehicles circulating in the city, the total number of kilometres travelled or the number of entries into restricted travel areas (ZTL).

The interactive map supports new and innovative infomobility services with the traditional functionality of route calculation. As an example, the "Near you" function allows citizens to immediately check all of the transport services available in real time around the user's location, while the "Follow the bus" function allows people to see the current position on the map of a bus/tram of every line of GTT, the local public transport provider.

The interactive map has been further improved, facilitating the search for addresses and points of interest, the possibility to search for the arrival times of public transport modes, even for specific stops. In the forthcoming months, the map will be progressively enriched with new real-time information on the free floating bike sharing and active car sharing services.

Image courtesy of ©Shutterstock

Story first published in February on



Publication date
23 February 2018
  • Collective passenger transport
  • Italy