In order to address today's and tomorrow’s urban mobility challenges, there is a need for skilled individuals with both the necessary technical and interpersonal skills within planning authorities and the urban mobility professions. The urban mobility labour market is growing and undergoing significant changes. In addition to traditional knowledge and skills related to urban traffic and mobility, educational programmes and training should cover subjects that align with the current and future demands of the mobility labour market.
The European Year of Skills (2023) emphasises the importance of skills development. It is crucial to develop an education system that is flexible, adaptable and capable of overcoming the challenges of insufficient skills, knowledge, and personnel in the European urban mobility sector.
As a result, ongoing research includes a survey designed to gather insights into the necessary knowledge and skills required for current and future urban mobility professionals. The main question of the survey is: what knowledge and skills are essential for professionals working in urban planning authorities at present and in the foreseeable future? To gain a better understanding of these requirements, urban mobility professionals are invited to participate in a brief survey. The survey will be open until 8 September 2023.
This survey stems from the CIVITAS Coordination and Support Action (CSA) called CIVITAS MUSE. The survey results will be published on the CIVITAS website. The target audience for this survey is urban mobility professionals working at or for urban planning authorities, e.g., representatives of local, regional, national and European authorities, consultancies, research institutes, civil society/ NGOs and industry.
The survey can be found here.
- Publication date
- 13 July 2023
- Topic
- Policy and research
- Country
- Europe-wide