Thr city of Barcelona reported that in 2022 more than 220,000 bicycle trips/day were made, an increase of 11% with respect to 2021. The Catalonian capital is following the path of becoming progressively more cyclable, sustainable and active mobility friendly. Cycling lanes in Barcelona may be on a separate and designed lane, on sidewalks or on the road.
In 2022, 7.32km of new cycling infrastructure was incorporated to the urban network, with another 9 km are already planned to be implemented in 2023. Works start this January on Mallorca street, between Clot and Cartagena streets. This cycling lane will then reach the coast, the seaside of Barcelona.
In 2023, cycling lanes will reach and completely also connect the Arc de Triomf and Urquinaona square, as a new cycling lane will be implemented on Sant Pere boulevard between Girona and Roger de Llúria streets.
With the new extensions, the Catalonian capital can now rely on more than 230km of dedicated bike lanes, of which around 100km have been deployed over the past 6 years. Therefore, cycling in Barcelona has been a popular means of moving around for a while, and as of January 2023, 90% of Barcelonians can say they live within 300m distance of a cycle lane.
Nonetheless, cycling still represents a minority of the modal split. In fact, only 2% of daily commutes are made by bike. The majority of trips in the city are still made by private car, by public transport or on foot.
- Publication date
- 26 January 2023
- Location
- Barcelona
- Topic
- Walking and cycling
- Country
- Spain