15 projects recommended for funding under the ERA-NET Cofund on Urban Accessibility and Connectivity - European Commission Skip to main content
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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 14 April 2021
  • 1 min read

15 projects recommended for funding under the ERA-NET Cofund on Urban Accessibility and Connectivity

The 23 national funding agencies, from 16 countries, in the ERA-NET Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) have agreed on a list of 15 projects recommended for funding to start beginning of 2021.

The ENUAC was opened in 2019 and invited researchers, cities, municipalities, businesses, civil society and other stakeholders to build transnational consortia to create challenge-driven innovation and research projects. The call for proposals aimed to address challenges of sustainable urban passenger mobility, freight, transport and connectivity as integral and essential parts of sustainable development.

37 projects were invited for the full proposal stage, from a total of 86 proposals which were successfully submitted during the first evaluation phase. The proposals were assessed by an expert panel and the national funding agencies have now provided a list of 15 proposals to receive funding. The projects will start in 2021 and continue until 2024.

A project catalogue is currently under preparation and will be made available, and the 15 recommended projects are listed below. For further information about the recommended projects, and the ERA-NET Urban Accessibility and Connectivity, please visit the following websites:

Recommended projects:

ASAP – Awaken Sleeping Assets Project

CATAPULT – PoliCies for inclusive, demand-oriented and target group-specific automated mobility solutions for cities

COCOMO – COmpeting and COmplementary MObility solutions in urban contexts

DyMoN – Dynamic Mobility Nudge: Shaping sustainable urban mobility behaviour with real-time, user-generated and public open data

EASIER – Seamless sustainable everyday urban mobility

EX-TRA – EXperimenting with city streets to TRAnsform urban mobility

GeoSence – Geofencing strategies for implementation in urban traffic management and planning

ITEM – Inclusive Transition towards Electric Mobility

JUSTICE – Joining Urban morphology, Spatio-Temporal and socio-cognitive accessibility for an Inclusive City Environment

MyFairShare – Individual Mobility Budgets as a Foundation for Social and Ethical Carbon Reduction

SmartHubs – Smart Mobility Hubs as Game Changers in Transport

SORTEDMOBILITY – Self-Organized Rail Traffic for the Evolution of Decentralized MOBILITY

TAP for uncertain futures – Using Triple Access Planning to Enhance Urban Accessibility and Connectivity in the Face of Deep Uncertainty

TuneOurBlock – Transforming urban quarters to human scale environments

WalkUrban – Walkable Urban Neighbourhoods – Freeing up Potential for Sustainable and Active Travel by Improving Walking and its Connections with Public Transport



Publication date
14 April 2021
  • Public and stakeholder involvement
  • Europe-wide