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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 1 August 2023
  • 5 min read

Speakers announced for Urban Mobility Days 2023

Urban Mobility Days, taking place from 4-6 October in Seville, Spain, will bring together politicians, local authorities, industry, and urban transport practitioners with the European Commission to connect, share and discuss the path forward for a sustainable, innovative, and equitable future for Europe’s urban mobility. As 2023 is the European Year of Skills, Urban Mobility Days will have a specific focus on transport skills.

The speakers, and additional information on the programme, have now been announced:


Day 1 - Wednesday 4 October

  • The day will kick off with the opportunity to Meet the CIVITAS Community where Marcel Rommerts (moderator) will present the main activities and services provided by MUSE to the CIVITAS community. The session will also provide an opportunity to reflect on the challenges that the CIVITAS initiative aims to overcome. 
  • In the afternoon there will then be a plenary session on Urban Mobility Community Support to Ukraine (Master of Ceremony: Marinda Hall(Speakers: André Sobczak (Eurocities), Kris Peeters (EIB), Lola Ortiz Sánchez (Municipality of Madrid)). The plenary will be followed by a series of Project Pitches from 10 different EU projects. 
  • The final three sessions of the day will cover:
    1. Transforming Urban Public Transport – a Global Perspective - Moderator: Mohamed Mezghani (UITP)   Speakers: Laura Delgado Hernandez (EMTA), Magdalena Olczak (ITF), Göktuğ Kara (Transport Policy and Climate Change Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey), Stephane Feray-Beaumont (Alstom)
    2. Linking Urban Mobility and Urban Space to Achieve Climate Neutrality Moderator: Barbara Pons (Barcelona City Council)   Speakers: Karen Vancluysen (POLIS), Rosalinde Van der Vlies (EC RTD), Janet Ågren (City of Umea), Joost Vantomme (ERTICO)
    3. The Whys and Wherefores of Urban Nodes Moderator: Torsten Klimke (DG MOVE)   Speakers: Maria Corral (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Spain)), Yo Kaminagai (RATP), Yanying Li (ALICE)


Day 2 - Thursday 5 October

  • Day 2 will start with three sessions covering:
    1. All You Ever Wanted to Know About the Common European Mobility Data Space Moderator: Dim Gkatzoflias (DG MOVE)   Speakers: Lucie Kirstein (Acatech), Johanna Tzanidaki (ERTICO), Daniel Serra (EIT Urban Mobility), Peter Staelens (Eurocities), Thomas Geier (Transport Association for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland)
    2. The Energy Needs of Urban Mobility Moderator: Julia Solar (DG MOVE)   Speakers: John Smith (An Post), Gabriele Simakauskaite (Chargeup Europe), Michelangelo Aveta (Eurelectric), Laurent Probst (Île-de-France Mobilités)
    3. Mobility for Sustainable Tourism Moderator: Sylwia Borkowska (DG MOVE)   Speakers: Bente Grimm (NIT), Nina Nesterova (Stichting Breda University of Applied Sciences), Chris Greenwood (Moffat Centre for Travel and Tourism Business Development), Cristina Núñez (NECSTouR)
  • The second set of sessions will comprise:
    1. Urban Vehicle Access Regulations: are Perspectives Converging? Moderator: Ivo Cré (POLIS)   Speakers: Rosemarie Cramer (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management), Jehan de Thé (Europcar Mobility Group), Nigel Williams (EPA), Raluca Marian (IRU)
    2. Urban Air Mobility – User Needs and Acceptance Moderator: Pia Peitl (DG MOVE)   Speakers: Daniel Garcia-Monteavaro (ENAIRE), Astrid Szogs (Regional management Nordhessen GmbH), Geert Van Waeg (International Federation of Pedestrians), Patrick van Egmond (LuxMobility)
    3. Safe Urban Public Space for Children - Moderator: Claire Depré (DG MOVE)   Speakers: Susanna Hauptmann (Radland), Andrea Ballbé (Barcelona City Council), Anne-Mie Drieskens (COFACE)
  • The afternoon sessions will be on:
    1. National SUMP Support Programmes: How to Tailor Support to the Needs of Cities Speakers: Andrei Mădălina ( Secretary of the National Support Group for the Optimisation of SUMPs, Spain), Maria Perkuszewska (Ministry of Infrastructure, Poland), Alan Obrien (EIB JASPERS)
    2. Urban Logistics: Delivering Sustainability on Time Moderator: Fernando Liesa (ALICE)   Speakers: María Luisa Melo (DHL Express Europe), Pieter Leonard (Colruyt), Hélène De Solère (CEREMA)
    3. Funding and Financing Urban Mobility: Lessons Learnt and New Ideas Moderator: Herald Ruijters (DG MOVE)   Speakers: Angeles Marin (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Spain), Françoise Guaspare (Île-de-France Europe), Paloma Aba Garrote (CINEA)
  • Day 2 will conclude in a plenary session on Cycling into the Future Moderator: Marinda Hall   Speakers: Manuel Calvo Salazar (EstudioMC (Seville), Karima Delli (European Parliament), Jill Warren (ECF), Maria Jose Rallo (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Spain) which will address questions on boosting cycling in cities, the infrastructure and motorist buy-in required and the necessary next steps.


Day 3 - Thursday 6 October

  • The third and final day will start with sessions on: 
    1. Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators: Good Practice in Collecting Data - Moderator: Ines Hartwig (DG MOVE)    Speakers: Thomas Lymes (Eurocities), Polona Demšar Mitrovič (Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy of the Republic of Slovenia), Peter Munnery (Sofiaplan), Neri di Volo (EIB JASPERS)
    2. How to Integrate Shared-Mobility Solutions in the Urban Mobility Ecosystem - Moderator: Thomas Avanzata (UITP)    Speakers: Gregor Beiner (T4SM), Eirini Zafeiratou (Bolt), François Hoehlinger (Troopy)
    3. Best of Mobility Management Actions - Moderator: Robert Thaler (EPOMM)    Speakers: Marcin Domański (Metropolia GZM, Poland), Angela Nuñez Gonzalez, Melanie Schade (BBSR/BBR/EPOMM), Hannah Hook (EIT Urban Mobility Fellow)
  • This will be followed by ten Project Pitches on their major aims and achievements; and the final plenary session on the Just Transition and Skills in Urban Mobility - Moderator: Marinda Hall    Speakers: Jaime Moreno (Spanish Ministry for Land Transport), Livia Spera (ETF), Maria Tsavachidis (EIT urban mobility), Kevin Mayne (Cycling Industries Europe)
  • The UMD 2023 will close with a conclusions session moderated by Marinda Hall, looking back on the conference, summarising the main points and linking all of them to the European Year of Skills 2023.


For more information and to register, see here.

To view the programme, see here.

To check out the previous conferences, click here.



Publication date
1 August 2023
  • Urban mobility planning
  • Spain