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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 5 November 2020
  • 1 min read

New EU-funded initiative launched to create a new urban logistics model

SENATOR is a Horizon-2020 funded project coordinated by Correos, which will deliver four governance schemes for urban planning policies focusing on transport, user demand, freight, and logistics planning as well as on city infrastructure.

The main goal of SENATOR is to create a new urban logistic model. To achieve this, it will develop a smart network operator supported on an ICT Platform for integrated logistics operation. The ICT platform will act on the four levels in an integrated and dynamic manner considering demand, the fleet and its multimodal options, intelligent route planning and urban infrastructure analysis.

The methodology will optimise freight delivery services in urban areas, contributing to the decrease in the number and distance of delivery routes. Artificial Intelligence algorithms will be essential to deliver real-time information and predictions which will enable planning optimisation.

SENATOR’s platform will serve as a support tool for decision making, integration and planning of all logistics operations. Consequently, it will minimise the negative impacts that the distribution of goods in urban centres entails for cities and will constitute an effective means of collaboration between agents (operators, transporters, and administrations, as responsible for urban planning).

The platform will be validated in a real environment through two Living Labs in Zaragoza (Spain) and Dublin (Ireland), led by Correos (State Postal and Telegraph Society).

SENATOR will also lean on the multitude of possibilities brought about by the digitalisation of information and the integration of IoT in transport providers, as well as the trends in connected and autonomous vehicles.

You can read the full press release communicating the launch of the project here.


SENATOR (Smart Network Operator Platform enabling Shared, Integrated and more Sustainable Urban Freight Logistics) is a Horizon 2020 project, awarded with 4 million euros funding. It is financed as one of the three proposals in its area within the transport work programme (LC-MG-1-10-2019: Logistics solutions that deal with requirements of the 'on demand economy' and for shared-connected and low-emission logistics operations), framed in the social challenges of Horizon 2020.

For more information on SENATOR, you can contact:

  • Ana Lumbreras, alumbrerasatzabala [dot] es (alumbreras[at]zabala[dot]es)
  • Susana Garayoa, sgarayoaatzabala [dot] eu (sgarayoa[at]zabala[dot]eu)



Publication date
5 November 2020
  • Urban freight/city logistics
  • Europe-wide