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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 11 December 2020
  • 1 min read

Living close to the workplace is a first priority for Finnish urban dwellers

“Location, location, location” is a well-known saying in the world of real estate business. This year, it also became evident in the Finnish survey 'Sustainable Urban Environments barometer', for which more than 1,000 city dwellers took part.  When answering what they wished for for their ideal workplace, the top priority was revealed as "a workplace so close that you could walk or cycle there". Almost half of all respondents named a short trip to work by active transport as a personal priority, whilst another 39% indicated “a workplace that could be easily reached by public transport”. Other possible answers to the question on the ideal workplace ranged from adjustable workstations, a workplace restaurant that serves a convenient and affordable lunch, parking at the workplace for people who drive to work, personal offices, and daily services such as supermarkets in the vicinity of the workplace.

The barometer survey indicated the needs of Finnish city dwellers in areas of home, work and urban environment, transport and retail. Juha Kostiainen, Vice President, YIT, who commissioned the survey, said: “City residents clearly appreciate easy access to their workplace, and I believe that the same also applies to services. The results support the idea of a 15-minute city, that is, that in a functional city, things should be reachable in fifteen minutes, either on foot, by bicycle or by public transport”.

Further results of the survey highlight that alternatives to conventional office spaces have become more popular. More than half of office workers among the respondents would like to work remotely as much as possible, and 4 out of 10 would use a remote workplace close to their homes if employers would provide it. Cycling and walking are the most chosen option for trips to work of less than 3 km. Cycling to work was found to be most prominent in Turku and Oulo, whilst public transport is the top modal choice for work trips in Helsinki.


Article published first at on 1st of December 2020.



Publication date
11 December 2020
  • Policy and research
  • Finland