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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 16 January 2023
  • 1 min read

Final report and lessons learned from SUMP implementation in Foshan

In its first application in China, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP) concept supports the city of Foshan in its ambition to further promote low-carbon, green, and human-centred mobility. The finalisation of the pilot project has led to the publication of the SUMP Foshan Pilot Project (final report) and the report on lessons learned from the SUMP Foshan pilot project for the uptake of SUMP in the Chinese urban planning context.

The SUMP Foshan Pilot Project was conducted in collaboration with the Transport Bureau of Foshan (Foshan TB), the Foshan Public Transportation Management Co. (Foshan TC), the China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC), and was supported by Rupprecht Consult.

For the pilot project, the SUMP process was conducted up to Step 9 of the SUMP cycle. Potential follow-up actions at the city level – to be taken after the implementation of the showcase area measures – were also identified. Through capacity development activities conducted in parallel, further Chinese cities have expressed interest and received training in applying SUMP in their mobility planning.

Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP) is intended to be promoted in China as a key planning tool to support the country’s ambition to foster integrated mobility planning and shift to low-carbon transport.

Drawing on Foshan’s experience with SUMP, the lessons learned report provides a localised approach for policymakers and planners in Chinese cities seeking to foster climate-friendly urban transport, while reflecting the needs of transportation stakeholders and residents and to further integrate the SUMP concept into their transport and mobility planning systems.

To access the SUMP Foshan Pilot Project Report, click here. 

For more information on the lessons learned from the SUMP Foshan Pilot Project, click here.



Publication date
16 January 2023
  • Urban mobility planning
  • China