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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 30 October 2020
  • 1 min read

Apply for the 9th SUMP Award, European Mobility Award and Urban Road Safety Award until 31 October

Applications for the 9th EU SUMP Award, European Mobility Week Award, and the EU Urban Road Safety Award are open. Applications should be submitted by 31 October 2020 at the latest! 

In the framework of EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK, the European Commission annually presents the European SUMP Award to a planning authority that demonstrated excellence in sustainable urban mobility planning.

  • The SUMP Award is designed to encourage the adoption of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) by local authorities across Europe and to reward outstanding achievements in each year's thematic priority area. This year, in line with the announcement of the European Commission’s Green Deal, the applicants are expected to share their forward-looking intentions to create zero-emission and inclusive transport in their local context by the integration of sustainable transport modes to their mobility system. For more information click here and to apply click here.


  • The aim of EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Award is to recognise local authorities that have done the most to raise awareness of sustainable mobility during EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK (16-22 September). Local authorities can apply with their events and permanent infrastructure initiatives, such as holding a car-free day or promoting greener transport infrastructure. For more information click here and to apply click here.


  • The EU Urban Road Safety Award is open to local authorities to reward measures that have been implemented to improve safety on European roads and to encourage the discussion of good practice across Europe. Measures can include links to ROADPOL Safety Days or speed reduction initiatives. b

If you need any further information contact: Juan [dot] Caballeroateurocities [dot] eu (Juan[dot]Caballero[at]eurocities[dot]eu)



Publication date
30 October 2020
  • Urban mobility planning
  • Europe-wide