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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 13 February 2020
  • 1 min read

Vital Nodes: How to integrate urban nodes in the TEN-T corridors?

The EU research programme Horizon 2020 has created Vital Nodes which is a project that aims to improve the interconnection around Europe whilst developing sustainable mobility in the urban areas of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).  Vital Nodes concentrated on the multi and inter-modal connections between long-distance and last-mile freight logistics.

The project has now finished and resulted in policy recommendations for the integration of urban nodes in the TEN-T core network corridors. Recommendations were shaped with the help of collaborative workshops and stakeholder consultations involving experts, practitioners and policymakers.

The policy recommendations have been grouped into distinct categories of the Vital Nodes Toolbox: Strategy and value, network and space, governance and time, finance and funding, and research and data. They have focused on the overlap between the TEN-T policy set out in the TEN-T Guidelines (2013) and urban mobility policy, defined in the Urban Mobility Package (2013).

The policy recommendations also provide information about the target groups that can actually act on the recommendation, such as the urban nodes, European Investment Bank, terminal and logistic centres operators, European Commission etc.

Original article first published 29 January 2020 by POLIS.



Publication date
13 February 2020
  • Policy and research
  • Europe-wide