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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 19 October 2020
  • 10 min read

Urban Mobility days 2020 - session slides

Urban Mobility Days 2020 has made session presentation slides available for download.

Follow the links below to access informative presentations about the wide range of topics that were discussed during the virtual conference. Sessions are also available to view on the Eltis Mobility Portal YouTube channel. 

Plenary sessions

  • What’s next for urban mobility in the EU?
    • Institutional welcome addresses:
      • Adina Vălean, EU Transport Commissioner
      • Dr. Tamara Zieschang, German State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
    • Panel discussion:
      • Annalisa Boni, Secretary General, EUROCITIES
      • Raluca Fiser, Vice-president, European Cyclist Federation
      • Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director General, European Commission, DG MOVE
      • Mohamed Mezghani, Secretary General, UITP
    • Moderated by Karen Vancluysen, Secretary General, POLIS Network
  • Recognizing Europe’s sustainable mobility success stories – Meet the CIVITAS and sustainable mobility award winners
    • Juan Caballero - "European Mobility Week Awards" 
  • Announcement of the finalists & winners of the CIVITAS Awards 2020 by Matthew Baldwin, DG MOVE
  • Announcement of the new call for applications for the next EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK Awards, and for the next EU Urban Road Safety Award by Juan Caballero, EUROCITIES
  • Stepping up the game: The EU's contribution to the global urban mobility transition
  • Turning policy into implementation: sourcing the resources
    • Keynote speech: Dr. Maike Schaefer, Senator for Climate Protection, Environment, Mobility, Urban Development and Housing Construction, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
    • Céline Gauer, Deputy Secretary-General, European Commission – “Powering Europe’s recovery: The Recovery and Resilience Facility and sustainable urban mobility”
    • Panel debate:
      • Céline Gauer, Deputy Secretary-General, European Commission
      • Normunds Popens, Deputy Director General, DG REGIO, European Commission
      • Patrick Child, Deputy Director General, DG RTD, European Commission
      • Herald Ruijters, Director, DG MOVE, European Commission
      • Hans Van Steen, Acting Director, DG ENER, European Commission
      • Dirk Beckers, Director, INEA, European Commission
    • Moderated by Alan Haigh, INEA, European Commission
  • Planning and unforeseen challenges
    • Sigfried Rupprecht - "The Guidelines of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning"
    • Panellists:
      • Siegfried Rupprecht, Rupprecht Consult
      • Elke Van Den Brandt, Minister for Mobility and Public Works,  Brussels Capital Region
      • Lilyana Pavlova, Vice-President, European Investment Bank
      • Miguel Gaspar, Deputy Mayor for Mobility, City of Lisbon
    • Moderated by Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director General, DG MOVE, European Commission

Parallel Sessions

  • We are ECCENTRIC: Five cities on their way to innovative mobility measures in their neighbourhoods
    • Prof. Lucia Ilieva, Ruse/CSDCS - Bulgaria - "Participation, awareness and innovative mobility management in Ruse"
  • DESTINATIONS: Mobility and tourism working together for a sustainable Europe
    • Don Guikink, Bred University - "Mobility and tourism working together for a sustainable Europe"
    • Claudio Mantero, Horarios do Funchal - "Tourism and mobility, challenges and lessons learned"
    • Maria Stylianou, Limassol Tourism Board - "Tourism and mobility - Introduction of the Civitas Destinations 10 practical guideline"
  • CIVITAS PORTIS: A motor for dialogue and implementation in port cities
    • Giulio Bernetti, City of Trieste - "CIVITAS PORTIS: A motor for dialogue and implementation in port cities"
    • Katia Kishchenko, City of Antwerp - "Smart Ways to Antwerp: a coordinated approach"
    • George Lupașcu, Constanta Metropolitan Area - "The decision-support Mobility Forum on city-port visions in Constanta"
    • Alan Simpson, Aberdeen City Council - "The Aberdeen Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP)"
  • Planning for resilient and sustainable mobility
    • Laura Babio, POLIS - "Urban Mobility Days – Planning for Resilient Cities Session" 
  • Living Lab: Clean public transport deployment
    • Sergio Fernandez Balaguer, Madrid - "Living Lab: Clean public transport deployment"
    • Dario Dubolino, DG MOVE - "Overview of key EU policies and initiatives"
    • George Lupascu, City of Constanta, PORTIS - "SUMP actions for improving the Local Public Transport in Constanta"
  • Living Lab: Transferable innovations and scalable results
  • Living Lab: Impacts of COVID-19 on urban mobility measures
    • Stephanie Leonard, TomTom - "Impact of COVID-19 on traffic"
    • Paul Fenton, ECCENTRIC, City of Stockholm - "Business as usual? Mobility in the non-locked down, socially-distanced city"
    • Theocharis Tsoutsos, Technical University of Crete, DESTINATIONS - "Impacts of COVID-19 on urban mobility measures Monitoring actions in Rethymno" 
    • David Dunne, Aberdeen, PORTIS - "Impacts of COVID-19 on Urban Mobility Measures Impacts on Aberdeen"
  • Innovative zero-emission freight solutions for cities
    • Susanne Wrighton, FGM-AMOR - "Potential of Cargo Bikes for Zero Emission Transport in Cities"
    • Irene Blanquez, EMT Madrid - "Low-Emission Adaptive last mile logistics supporting on-demand economy through Digital Twins"
    • Santiago Munoz, Correos – Project Coordinator - "Senator project - urban mobility days"
    • Michael Glotz Richter, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen - "Urban Logistics as an on-Demand Service (ULaaDS)"
  • Smart and electric mobility in cities
    • Saki Gerassis Davite, DG MOVE - "Smart and electric mobility in cities"
    • Aida Abdullah, UITP, ASSURED - "Urban Mobility Days 2020"
    • Antonio Marqués, USER-CHI - "Innovative solutions for user-centric charging infrastructure"
    • Paal Moork, Oslo Agency for Urban Environment - "GreenCharge in Oslo"
    • Dr.Evangelia Portouli, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems - "Electrified L-category Vehicles Integrated into Transport and Electricity Networks"
  • Improving mobility management: what does it take?
    • Marcel Braun, Rupprecht Consult - "The SUMI project - Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators"
    • Melanie Schade, BBSR Germany, EPOMM - "Managing mobility for a better future"
    • Thibault Castagne, Vianova - "The Data Platform to Regulate Future Mobility on the City Streets"
    • Sophie Gillaerts, City of Ghent - "TMaaS and - Traffic Management as a Service"
  • Gender perspectives in urban transport
    • Heather Allen, Independent expert on gender and urban mobility expert - "Building bridges or widening the gender gap?" 
    • Fotis K. Liotopoulos, TinnGo - "A sustainable game changer in European transport"
    • Marianne Weinreich, Ramboll - "Gender Perspectives in Urban Transport - Confession from a woman in mobility"
  • How can MaaS contribute to zero-emissions mobility?
    • Martin Lefrancq, Brussels Mobility - "How can MaaS contribute to zero-emission mobility?" 
    • Stella Aaltonen, City of Turku - "Mobility as a service in CIVITAS ECCENTRIC"
    • Jacob Bangsgaard, ERTICO - "Mechanisms on how MaaS change the world"
  • Funding and financing solutions for sustainable urban mobility
    • Philippe Froissart, DG RTD - "Climate Neutral and Smart Cities"
    • Thibaut Kleiner, DG CNECT - "Towards a data ecosystem for climate-neutral and smart communities"
    • Margit Noll, JPI Europe - "Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future"
    • Maria Tsavachidis, EIT Urban Mobility - "Mobility for more liveable urban spaces"
    • Neil Valentine, EIB - "EIB support for Urban Mobility in the coming years"
  • Health and zero-emission mobility policy
    • Francesco Dionori, UNECE - "Health and zero-emission mobility policy"
    • Lucia Errandonea, Ideas for Change - "Moving towards healthier cities - Harnessing the power of citizens"
    • Francesco Iacorossi, Rome Mobility Agency - "Health and zero-emission mobility policy"
    • Fabiana Palmero, City of Vic - "Urban Mobility Days 2020"
  • The city and the Trans-European Transport Network
    • Marlene Damerau, Rupprecht Consult - "Validated recommendations from Vital Nodes how to integrate urban nodes into the TEN-T"
    • Matej Gojcic, Ljubljana Urban Region - "Ten-t corridors and sustainable urban mobility planning of the Ljubljana urban region"
    • Dr. Jürgen Neumüller, Joint Spatial Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg - "Capital Region Berlin-Brandenburg – Functional Urban Node"
    • Philippe Chantraine DG MOVE, European Commission - "TEN-T revision and urban nodes"
  • Achieving change in mobility behaviour
  • Data-driven decision-making tools for small and medium-sized cities
    • Rodric Frederick, MOMENTUM - "Data-driven decision-making tools for small and medium-sized cities"
    • Giovanni Maccani, WeCount - "Urban Mobility Days"
    • Miriam Pirra, Politecnico di Torino - "SUITS - Data-driven decision making tools for small and medium-sized cities"
    • Dr. Fotis K. Liotopoulos, SBOING - "Data-driven decision-making tools for S&M-sized cities"
  • Integrating shared mobility services in urban mobility ecosystems
    • Pierre De Schaetzen, Billy Bike - "Long term, sustainable, mass adoption" 
    • Aurélien Pozzana, BOLT - "Integrating shared mobility services in urban mobility ecosystems" 
    • Diederik Basta, City of Amsterdam - "The Amsterdam Approach to shape mobility of the future"
    • Yannick Bousse, UITP - "GECKO - Integrating shared mobility services in urban mobility ecosystems"
    • Karen Vancluysen, POLIS - "Integrating shared mobility services in urban mobility ecosystems"
  • Urban Vehicle Access Regulations, where do we stand?
    • Lotte Dijkink - "Benelux - A Living Lab for The Eu"
    • Sidharta Gautama - "Urban Vehicle Access Regulations"
    • Suzanne Hoadley, POLIS - "Improving access to digital information about UVAR schemes - UVARBox"
    • Samantha Tharme , City of London - "City of London zero emission zone"
  • Affordable, accessible and inclusive mobility
    • Delphine Grandsart, European Passengers’ Federation - "Affordable, accessible and inclusive mobility"
    • Mathias De Meyer, Brussels Capital Region - "Improving the Brussels-Capital Region’s accessibility for people with reduced mobility"
    • Imre Keseru, VUB - "EU Urban Mobility Days 2020 Affordable, accessible and inclusive mobility"
    • Kirstin Tovaas, Rupprecht Consult - "How to make inclusive mobility a reality: 8 principles and tools for a fair(er) transport system"
  • The smart city as a sustainable city
    • Georg Houben, DG ENER - "The smart city as a sustainable city"
    • Anna Domenech, NISSAN - "Accelerating the clean energy transition" 
    • Graham Colclough, UrbanDN - "Do we need psychologists & economists to drive smart city change?"
    • Edwin Mermans, Province of Noord-Brabant - "New Mobility Services"
  • The role of smart parking management in urban mobility planning
    • Laurence Bannerman, European Parking Association - "Why is sustainable parking the future?"
    • Martina Hertel, DIFU - "Public acceptance as change maker"
    • Dr. Aitor Albaina, Vitoria Gasteiz - "10 years of integral parking & SUMP policy in Vitoria-Gasteiz"
    • Carl Hanssens, Sint-Niklaas - "The role of smart parking management in urban mobility planning: Parking standards"
  • Regional and metropolitan mobility planning
    • Matilde Chinellato, EUROCITIES - "Sustainable urban mobility planning in metropolitan regions"
  • Challenges and opportunities for urban air mobility
    • Luana Bidasca, DG MOVE - "Introduction - Challenges and opportunities for urban air mobility"
    • Dr. Vassilis Agouridas, Airbus - "Smart mobility in smart cities: Walk.Ride.Drive.Fly"
    • Małgorzata Darowska, Polish Ministry of Infrastructure - "Drones for Cities – Grasping Complexities"
    • Ozhan Yilmaz, European Investment Bank - "UAM Business Model Development and Market Study"
    • Maria Karmargianni, Maas Lab - HARMONY - "Urban Air Mobility: Set up drone demonstrations"
  • Infrastructure for walking, cycling and more
    • Alexander H. Frederiksen, DonkeyRepublic - "Mobility services: Social and Environmental scorecard"
    • Martijn te Lintelo, Arnhem Nijmegen - "Attractive network Cycling Highways"
    • Christina Moe Gjerde, Voi - "How Oslo became the #1 scooter market in Europe?"
  • Citizens Engagement for sustainable mobility
    • Michael Karampasis, THETHA - "Co-creation in Neo Rysio"
    • Karl Reiter, Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR - "Metamorphosis"
    • Katie Parnell, Oxfordshire County Council - "Cities4People – People Oriented Transport & Mobility: Neighbourhood Co-creation in Oxfordshire"
    • Sami Sahala, City of Helsinki - "Local focus Co-Creation Gamification Data Collection Impact"
  • Mobility challenges in rural areas
    • Edina Ocsko, C40 - "The Smart Rural 21 Project"
    • Lucia Cristea, EIP - "Rural Mobility – an engine for developing strong rural communities"
    • Kristine Malnaca, Vidzeme Region - "Transport on Demand Service in Vidzeme Planning Region"
    • Mattias Landin, Region Varmand - "Developing rural public transport in Värmland"
  • The role of automated mobility in achieving zero-emission urban mobility
    • Claire Depre, DG MOVE - "CCAM SINGLE PLATFORM - Overview"
    • Dimitri Konstantas, University of Geneva - "Designing the future public transportation services with autonomous vehicles"
    • Anna Anund, VTI - "Zero-emission mobility for all" 
    • Brian Matthews, Milton Keynes - "Understanding the Role of CAM in a Growing City"
  • Innovation and city design for urban road safety
    • Dirk Engels, TM Leuven - "Recommendations Urban Road Safety for Active Travel"
    • Tom Brijs, University of Hasselt - "Safety Tolerance Zone - Calculation and interventions for driver-vehicle-environment interactions under challenging conditions"
    • Astrid Linder, VTI - "Open Access Virtual Testing Protocols for Enhanced Road User Safety"
    • Ellen Townsend, ETSC - "How to improve urban road safety in Europe"

Side sessions can be viewed on the Eltis Mobility Portal YouTube channel

  • ELTIS Training: Planning for vulnerable to exclusion user groups: how to make your SUMP more inclusive for all
  • REFORM Final Event: Integrated Regional Action Plans for Innovative, Sustainable and Low Carbon Mobility
  • ParkPAD: The Parking Policy Audit Tool
  • Towards sustainable mobility – one neighbourhood at a time
  • Shaping sustainable mobility in peripheral districts by looking through the functional urban area planning lens
  • Multiplier Workshop: Building capacity and resilience in small and medium cities - Deploying SUITS transferrable tools for sustainable mobility
  • Sustainable mobility solutions in the Mediterranean: Successes and lessons learnt of pioneer cities
  • Concepts and tools to address the challenge of meeting carbon emission targets in urban areas


Publication date
19 October 2020
  • Urban mobility planning
  • Europe-wide