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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 19 May 2021
  • 3 min read

Upcoming ELTIS training sessions: Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and resilience in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)

While the ongoing pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the whole transport sector, it has also highlighted the importance of transitioning towards more resilient and sustainable mobility systems and adopting innovative practice.

Cities and regions are responding to the pandemic with new and innovative transport solutions, and lessons to share in terms of long-term sustainable mobility planning and the importance of an agile and resilient transport system that can ensure an uninterrupted flow of people.

As transport systems must be able to endure and respond to crisis situations from pandemics to climate change, the concept of resilience in urban mobility becomes increasingly important. At the same time, managing such fundamental change represents a key challenge for urban mobility practitioners to integrate into their Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs).

Not only has the pandemic demonstrated the need for a resilient transport system, it has also accelerated the deployment of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions, which are able to adapt the transport offer very quickly in response to disruptive changes of our daily routines. These changes have forced MaaS operators to develop new functionalities, business models and features of their solutions, with the aim of lowering risk and creating business sustainability.

In this context, ELTIS, which aims to facilitate the exchange of information, knowledge, and experience in the field of sustainable urban mobility, is launching two new on-line training sessions: the first will focus on Mobility-as-a-Service systems; the second will focus on resilient urban mobility.

The two training sessions will be delivered in the month of June 2021 and will be specifically adapted to people working for towns, cities and regions, including officials, policy makers, and transport and planning technicians. The sessions will have a limited number of places in order to guarantee active involvement and tailored support for all participants.

The first training session focuses on the MaaS concept with a link to the SUMP topic guide “Mobility As A Service (MaaS) and Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning” and the Maas4EU project. It explains the MaaS framework, outlines its challenges, and provides a range of transferrable case studies and recommendations. A hands-on group exercise focuses on the barriers and drivers for the implementation of a MaaS system in your city, as well as the importance of involving stakeholders and decision makers.

This online session takes place on 16 June 2021 from 9.30 to 12.30 am. Please register here.

The second training session builds upon the recently-published SUMP Topic Guide “Planning for more resilient and robust urban mobility” and involves several CIVITAS (and other) projects that have implemented resilient measures in their pilot cities. The session examines the concept of resilience, and provides a series of transferrable case studies and recommendations on how to plan for resilience and mobility at a time of crisis. A hands-on exercise gives participants the opportunity to work in small groups on measure planning with resilience.

This online session takes place on 29 June 2021 (morning) from 9.30 to 12.30 am. Please register here.

The two sessions are led by the ELTIS team of experts in transport planning and urban mobility from TRT (Italy), in cooperation with the contributing authors of the above-mentioned SUMP Topic Guides.

The training sessions require active and committed participation. Applicants are requested to provide details on their role in local or regional authorities and their motivation and expectations during the registration process. Priority will be given to representatives of towns, cities and regions. In case the number of applications exceeds the number of places available (20 to 25 for each session), participants will be selected according to relevance and specific interest.

Further information regarding the two sessions will be published soon on the ELTIS website.

Please email borgatoattrt [dot] it (borgato[at]trt[dot]it) if you require any further assistance.


Publication date
19 May 2021
  • Urban mobility planning
  • Europe-wide