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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 27 November 2020
  • 1 min read

TRIMIS Digest – Fair and sustainable public transport

The most recent issue of the TRIMIS Digest is now available. It explores public transport policy and the associated socio-economic impacts.

The first article takes a look at Free Fare Public Transport (FFPT) as a tool to enable sustainable development of public transport services. This policy can allow planning authorities to encourage public transport use in a targeted manner, facilitating more sustainable urban transport systems.

The Economic and social consequences of restrictions on human mobility due to the COVID-19 pandemic are explored in the following article. A study is presented which indicated that restrictions in Italy disproportionately impacted lower income individuals, areas with higher income inequality and areas with higher fiscal capacity.

The next article takes a look at Mobility injustice in urban night-time transport. It is argued that failing to recognise the needs of different societal categories when developing urban night-time transport policies can lead to the of exclusion disadvantaged groups.

A structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis of transport poverty alleviation is summarised in the final article. The study presented used SEM to show that indirect effects of developing road infrastructure were more impactful on reducing a region’s poverty levels than the direct effects.


Publication date
27 November 2020
  • Policy and research
  • Europe-wide