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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 12 February 2018
  • 1 min read

Transport for all: the committment of European public transport

Thanks to its “TRAVEL FOR ALL – The Commitment of European Public Transport” brochure, UITP showcases its commitment to provide transport quality services accessible for all. Right at the time of discussion on the European Accessibility Act, UITP reports on its contribution and its willingness to take on the challenge of safeguarding accessibility for all, a highly relevant factor in public transportation tackling manifolds aspects such as the network penetration, entering the service offer or vehicles designs for the trip itself. Ulrich Weber, Chair of UITP EU Committee, affirms that “Ensuring the accessibility of urban transport is a big challenge, which the public transport sector has been actively taking head on”.

UITP’s TRAVEL FOR ALL brochure delivers the state of play on accessibility as well as best practise examples, both well connected to each other by the common share point of the respective public transport provider. In its state of play part, the brochure gathers the answers of 29 networks from 15 countries to an online questionnaire with regards to the measures implemented to improve the accessibility of infrastructure, vehicles, information and services. Innovative projects and dedicated transport services are also highlighted as efficient alternatives.

With its best practise section, the report not only presents the state of play of the accessibility of European networks for persons with reduced mobility - this will be updated periodically to reflect future progress - but also constitutes a collection of best practices serving as useful inspiration for UITP members and anybody interested in public transport designs.  As Mr Weber concludes, “we have found with this study that all networks work in a continuous improvement frame of mind”.

Source: story first published on 1st of February 2018 by…



Publication date
12 February 2018
  • Collective passenger transport
  • Europe-wide