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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 24 July 2024
  • 1 min read

Public transit controllers in Marseille to offer subscriptions instead of fines

In an effort to create a more constructive relationship with commuters, the Marseille public transport operator, Régie des Transports Métropolitains (RTM), has announced a new policy to handle fare evasion. Rather than imposing fines on those caught travelling without a valid ticket, RTM inspectors will now offer these passengers the opportunity to purchase a subscription pass.

This innovative approach, dubbed the "educational fine," aims to transform fare evaders into responsible users of the public transit system. The policy covers the city’s metro, buses and trams. When inspectors encounter a fare evader, instead of issuing an immediate fine, they will present the option of buying a subscription pass such as the Permanent Pass XL, Métropole or Intégral. This move is designed to encourage long-term compliance and regular use of the public transport network.

RTM’s decision comes in response to the significant financial burden of fare evasion. Khalil Feldjaoui, a member of the CJM Mobility Commission, highlighted the issue stating: "Free-riding costs €25 million per year. This is equivalent to 80 fewer buses on the Metropolis network. With this money, we could finance many projects of general interest."

Currently, RTM issues around 100,000 fines annually to ticket evaders, yet only 8% of these fines are paid promptly. The remainder are transferred to the tax service after three months, creating additional administrative challenges. According to Feldjaoui, previous repressive policies have not proven effective, thus motivating the shift towards an educational approach.

The trial period for this new policy will run from November 2024 to July 2025. To prevent misuse, the educational fine system will be unavailable during subscription renewal periods, specifically in the months of August, September, October, and January.

By offering a path to redemption rather than punishment, RTM aims to reduce fare evasion while promoting a sense of civic responsibility among passengers. This experimental approach underscores a broader trend in public policy, where education and encouragement are increasingly preferred over punitive measures.

Author: Jonathan De Vriendt

Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not reflect those of the European Commission. 



Publication date
24 July 2024
  • Collective passenger transport
  • France