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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 3 December 2019
  • 1 min read

New call for tender – ‘User-friendly Information Tool on Urban and Regional Vehicle Access Regulation Schemes’

In light of the rapid development of UVARs in the EU, an information tool is considered by the European Parliament to be a useful instrument for people travelling within the EU.

Consequently, DG MOVE has announced a new preparatory action with the general objective to foster the real-time information of road users about urban and regional access schemes.

The specific objective of this tender is to:

  • Carry out a pilot project focusing on enabling road users, in particular motorists (i.e. both professional and non-professional drivers) to be fully informed about urban and regional access schemes.

This also includes:

  • Working on the enablers required for the system to work, i.e. standardisation and data provision for the integration of the information in tools such as apps or navigation devices.
  • Facilitation of the generation of the information necessary to comply with the single digital gateway regulation.

The geographical scope of this pilot shall include at least 4 member states covering around 80% of existing UV.

For more information, including the specific tender specifications, visit here.



Publication date
3 December 2019
  • Urban Vehicle Access Regulations
  • Europe-wide