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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
News article7 December 20201 min read

Mobility as a Service converts people to active travel says study

The UK’s Department for Transport has published a study, “Future of Transport: User Study”, that sees 'Mobility as a Service' (MaaS) gaining momentum, particularly with younger generations.

Younger generations, who “use apps as others brush their teeth”, are by far the largest group of MaaS users: 57% of those in the 16 to 24 age group use MaaS services, while only 9% of the 65+ age group do. Uber seems to be an entry point: 60% of those surveyed that use MaaS products used Uber. There was little evidence of an urban-rural divide on MaaS usage, according to the study.

Users appreciate the convenience of the current MaaS products, including their range of trip options and their cost advantages compared to vehicle ownership, as well as the processes, from booking to payment, being easy to use and available in one app. Barriers to MaaS use are less to do with the service offer or the apps, and more to do with unreliable internet access and phone battery limitations, both of which would be especially problematic for the less digitally-literate population groups, such as those aged 65+.

Another challenge was still the low availability of MaaS services themselves, so there is a demand for a further roll-out of these. Customers would be available, according to the survey:  23% of all respondents would reduce personal car use with MaaS options available, while another 7% would even sell their cars. The study reports a modal shift from car use to active modes in areas where services exist, such as in Greater Manchester. Here, 25% of respondents to the survey reported a shift to new mobility choices recommended by MaaS apps.

The study is available here

Article published first at Cycling Industries News on 24 November 2020.



Publication date
7 December 2020
  • Policy and research
  • United Kingdom