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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 10 April 2023
  • Madrid
  • 1 min read

Madrid City Council donates 32 second-hand EMT buses to Ukraine

On 14 March, 2023, the Delegate for the Environment and Mobility, Borja Carabante, met with the Counselor Minister of the Embassy of Ukraine in Spain, Dmytro Matiuschenko, and the First Secretary, Dmytro Lozytskyi, at the La Elipa Operations Center to symbolically deliver 32 second-hand buses donated by the Municipal Transport Company (EMT) to Ukraine.

These are vehicles that have already been fully amortized by EMT. The company donated 10 units of the Man NL 283F model, 12 vehicles of the Iveco Citelis model, and 10 units of the Mercedes Citaro, all of them 12 metres in length. These vehicles are perfectly suitable for carrying out activities related to transportation.

Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine that commenced on 24 February 2022, the country has an urgent need to receive buses to provide transportation to its residents in different locations throughout the territory. With this donation, the municipal company demonstrates its solidarity commitment, supporting and promoting solutions that benefit society, which is why it has been cooperating with various organisations on their social causes for many years.

Previously, EMT had donated two buses, two engines, and two gearboxes to an educational project in the municipality of Juan Emiliano O'Leary, in Alto Paraná, Paraguay. Additionally, in 2022, it donated two buses to two institutes in the Autonomous Community of Madrid (IES Isaac Peral and CIFP Professor Raúl Vázquez) to strengthen vocational training in the automotive industry for the students of these centres.


The original article can be found on the EMT Madrid website.


Publication date
10 April 2023
  • Collective passenger transport
  • Spain