A new series of fact sheets set out the key takeaways from six concluded CIVITAS research projects: Cities-4-People, METAMORPHOSIS, Mobility Urban Values (MUV), PROSPERITY, SUITS, and SUMPs-Up.
These formed two clusters:
- the first three looked at neighbourhood mobility planning;
- the second three worked on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs).
Readers receive a general introduction to each project, its evaluation methods and key tools and resources, with the lessons presented linking closely to the aforementioned clusters.
The neighbourhood mobility planning fact sheets reveal the power and potential of citizen-driven planning, advise on how to engage in effective co-creation, provide tips on implementing co-created sustainable mobility measures in local areas, and more.
At the same time, each project had its own focus. METAMORPHOSIS empowered children to shape their own environments; MUV allied gamification with co-creation; and Cities-4-People used its own People-Oriented Transport and Mobility approach.
The SUMP fact sheets give advice on engaging SUMP stakeholders and innovative financing procurement and business models, offer recommendations on effective capacity building, and outline how to assist local authorities with SUMP development and implementation.
Each SUMP project also had its own emphasis. PROSERITY looked at the role (national) government agencies can play in cultivating a SUMP culture; SUITS worked mainly with small- and medium-sized cities; and SUMPs-Up offered an extensive learning programme in which close to 100 cities participated.
Read and download the document here.
- Publication date
- 7 June 2021
- Topic
- Mobility management
- Public and stakeholder involvement
- Traffic and demand management
- Urban mobility planning
- Walking and cycling
- Country
- Europe-wide