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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 13 January 2021
  • 1 min read

E-course creating successful bicycle infrastructure - launches 1 February 2021

DTV Capacity Building has created an e-course on developing successful cycling infrastructure, to help mobility professionals and bicycle enthusiasts promote cycling by planning and designing the best cycling infrastructure. Its benefits include:

  • Increased credibility – certification after successful completion of the course;
  • Better plans, designs, policies, strategies and campaigns;
  • Overcoming barriers and creating acceptance for your plans/proposals/measures;
  • Better and safer bicycle infrastructure delivered more quickly. 

The next edtion of the e-course will launch on February 1 2021. Learning methods include knowledge clips, mini lectures, articles, case studies, live Q&A sessions, live webinars and feedback on a case study. Last summer, 70 participants from across the globe followed the e-course.

The course comes in 3 plans to fit different learning needs, ranging from knowledge acquisition to the full development of a ‘Dutch cycling infrastructure skill set’. Each bigger plan includes more live sessions and personal guidance.



Publication date
13 January 2021
  • Walking and cycling