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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 19 October 2020
  • 1 min read

Delivering 'Mobility as a Service' in cities: Evidence from pilot studies

With the projected growth in transport demand, the current way of providing transport is unsustainable and generates the need for innovative services that could support seamless mobility and a shift from car ownership to usership. An emerging trend in this direction is the integration of on-demand modes with public transport, leading to the 'Mobility as a Service' (MaaS) concept.

In this context, MaaS4EU, a three-year EU-funded Horizon 2020 project, was undertaken to provide quantifiable evidence, frameworks and tools to enable cities to remove the barriers to MaaS and to enable a cooperative and interconnected EU single transport market for the Maas concept.

The project has defined sustainable business models that support cooperation between relevant transport stakeholders, take account of and understand user needs and choices, implement the required technological infrastructure (a MaaS mobility hub) and identify the enabling policy and regulatory frameworks.

The results from MaaS4EU project provide quantifiable evidence about MaaS costs and benefits in 3 real-life, complementary pilot cases in Greater Manchester (UK), Luxembourg (LU) and Budapest (HU).

The MaaS4EU project partners are holding the project's Final Conference on 29 October 2020, an event that will take place online starting from 2:00 PM.

During the conference, different project contributors will present the main outcomes of the three year process. This will include the results from the different pilots and cover the four pillars in which the project was structured: Business; End Users/costumers; Technology and Data; and Policies.

A full agenda of the event can be download HERE and those who wish to attend can register HERE.



Publication date
19 October 2020
  • Policy and research
  • Europe-wide