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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 29 May 2019
  • 1 min read

Central and Eastern European cities share their SUMP experience

Towns and cities all across Europe experience unique local challenges when developing their Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). Geographical and cultural contexts play a major role and mean that a diversified approach to SUMP development is necessary.

But what are these differences? How do they impact on and differentiate SUMP development?

A new podcast from three CIVITAS SUMP projects (PROSPERITY, SUITS, and SUMPs-Up) sheds light on the challenges that towns and cities in Eastern and Central Europe face when developing and implementing their SUMPs.

Seven cities from seven countries across the region discussed their experience in SUMP development. These were Belgrade (Serbia), Budapest (Hungary), Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic), Lviv (Ukraine), Palanga (Lithuania), Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Skopje (North Macedonia). Budapest, Hradec Kralove, and Palanga are SUMPs-Up, PROSPERITY and SUITS partner cities respectively.

Some issues occurred in all seven cities, whilst others arose due to particular local conditions. What united them all, however, was their need for support and to receive expert guidance in developing their SUMPs.

Listen to the full podcast via the link below.



Publication date
29 May 2019
  • Urban mobility planning
  • Europe-wide