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EU Urban Mobility Observatory
  • News article
  • 9 February 2018
  • 2 min read

2018 - Year of Multimodality

EU Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc has called for 2018 to be the "Year of Multimodality" - a year during which the Commission will raise the importance of multimodality for the EU transport system.

"Multimodality" in the transport sector, or "multimodal transport" refers to the use of multiple different types of transport during the same journey. The concept of multimodality applies to both freight and passenger transport and in both cases can now be driven on by the growing trend towards digitalisation.  Multimodality takes advantage of the strengths of the different modes, such as convenience, speed, cost, reliability, predictability, etc, and in combination, can offer more efficient transport solutions for people and goods which will help ease the pressure on congested roads, and make the whole sector more environmentally friendly, safer, and cost efficient. In this respect multimodality will help bring about a truly sustainable and integrated transport system. During the "Year of Multimodality", multimodality will be supported by looking together into better infrastructure, connections, incentives and digital solutions for the entire EU transport network. 

Key thematic areas will include: 

  • Digitalisation with focus on the electronic transport documents proposal, digital corridor information systems and multimodal travel information and ticketing;
  • The use of economic incentives to promote multimodality through e.g. the revision of the Combined Transport Directive and a new study on the internalisation of external costs;
  • Support to multimodal infrastructure and innovation, physical and digital, in particular in the context of the Connecting Europe Facility, Horizon 2020 and the preparation of the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the new Framework Programme for research and innovation (FP9);
  • Working towards a legislative framework to protect passenger rights in multimodal journeys;
  • The promotion of 'active mobility' integrated with other modes in particular in an urban and smart cities context.

In his the keynote speech at the launch event in Brussels, Matthew Baldwin (Deputy Director General, DG MOVE, European Commission) said:

"The public indeed wants action on climate change and air quality, including in transport, responsible for a quarter of climate emissions (and growing). They expect much more user-centric mobility services. They care about the quality of their life, their health, in particular in cities.

"Multimodality is clearly part of the future for transport, but things are moving so quickly. We should not wait. We should work together to put multimodality where it should be – at the integrated and beating heart of our transport system."

Throughout the year the Commission will put together a series of legislative and policy initiatives and events aiming at promoting the functioning of the transport sector as a fully integrated ‘system’.

To find out more about Logistics and multimodal transport in Europe, visit:

Matthew Baldwin's full keynote speech is available here:

Source: story first published by the European Commission

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Publication date
9 February 2018
  • Intermodality
  • Europe-wide